Month: February 2015

  • I was seriously watching Star Trek when I heard. Original series, season 2 episode 21 Patterns of Force, to be exact. ******* comes into the room and tells me to pause it. He has his phone and I think its gonna be some stupid youtube video. But its not. Its Leonard Nimoy's obituary. I have never cried this hard for someone Ive never even met in person. But it feels like I knew him, considering how much Star Trek shaped my understanding of life, the universe, and everything. I grew up on DS9, but watching any version of Star Trek feels like coming home and, especially considering how I really didnt have a home until recently, I cannot begin to express the depth of this feeling. Leonard Nimoy made every character he played come to life in an iconic way, most notably Spock, but William Bell from Fringe also immediately jumps to mind. He was these people so completely, and thus, he was my mentor, comrade and hero. He has been, and always will be, my friend. May he find the light- and prosper- in his lives beyond this.

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